Saturday, December 20, 2014

Dear friends!

Why should we save energy? We have our brothers/sisters on the coast subject to submergence during cyclones and floods etc. Due to deforestation, industrial and vehicular pollution, fossil fuel based (coal, petroleum etc.) energy use, Green House Gases (GHGs) like CO2, Methane etc. are released raising earth's temperature causing the glaciers to melt. This results in rising ocean levels resulting in submergence of low lying islands like Maldives, Mauritius,Bahamas, Solomon islands and low lying India's coastal areas of 7500 km. Further, GHG release leads to climate changes resulting in frequent and extreme weather events like heat waves, super cyclones, severe droughts, heavy downpours etc. causing untold misery to millions of human beings, cattle etc. To save our fellow living beings, is it not our responsibility to reduce indiscriminate exploitation of natural resources, energy, water and other natural resources and save and conserve them?

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